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Packages in Mauritius

Browse Packages in Mauritius. Discover the magic of making memories for life!

From R 24,200 p/p sharing
Indian Ocean Islands, Mauritius

5 Nights, Canonnier Beachcomber, Mauritius

Views of the northern islands, sparkling Indian Ocean, cascading pools...
From R 24,840 p/p sharing
Indian Ocean Islands, Mauritius

5 Nights, Victoria Beachcomber, Mauritius

Facing splendid sunsets and one of the most popular family resorts
From R 24,330 p/p sharing
Indian Ocean Islands, Mauritius

5 Nights, Shandrani Beachcomber, Mauritius

Tropical grounds, its own peninsula & hugged by three beaches
From R 31,390 p/p sharing
Indian Ocean Islands, Mauritius

5 Nights, Trou aux Biches Beachcomber, Mauritius

A strip of white sandy beach, a turquoise lagoon, crystal-clear waters
From R 32,800 p/p sharing
Indian Ocean Islands, Mauritius

5 Nights, Paradis Beachcomber, Mauritius

A pure white sand beach and the island's largest lagoon...

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