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Abu Dhabi

The city of Abu Dhabi seems bent on breaking world records – everything is bigger, faster or taller than you’ve seen elsewhere (with the exception of, perhaps, Dubai). Travellers enjoy year-round sunshine, pristine beaches and – when it comes to hotels and restaurants – over-the-top opulence. The emirate (a principality ruled by a hereditary monarch called an emir), is one of seven that make up the United Arab Emirates. Though Arabic is the official language, English is also widely spoken. A desert oasis of modern skyscrapers and easily-accessible public transit, it’s difficult to believe that, until only a few decades ago, UAE was little more than a collection of Middle Eastern fishing villages. Abu Dhabi is a hub of Gulf culture, with world-class formal museums and galleries. It is home to the Louvre Abu Dhabi (which took the equivalent of about R17 billion to build), exhibiting art from Paris’ famous Louvre, Pompidou and Versailles collections, and from the Guggenheim Museum in New York. And despite the often insane heat and you’ll have even more opportunities to experience local culture firsthand on the city’s vibrant streets. Try your hand at bartering at the local bazaar, relax at a shisha cafe, set sail from the dhow harbour, or stroll and bike the 8km seafront “Corniche” promenade, capping it all off with a visit to the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque. Travel to Abu Dhabi with Sure Travel

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