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Delta Airlines trials free WiFi access on flights

Most airlines offer inflight WiFi for a price — but that may be about to change. 

Delta is providing free inflight WiFi to customers on 55 domestic flights daily, as part of a two-week pilot that launched 13 May 2019, according to travel news website, eTNW.

The WiFi access will be available to all cabins on selected short-, medium- and long-haul routes, allows customers to browse, email, shop, message and use social media. The test will not support video streaming (sorry all you Netflix bingers!). 

Unfortunately, there's no way to know ahead of time if your flight will be one of the test cases: "Test flight segments will change daily, but customers will be notified by Delta via email, a Fly Delta app push notification prior to their flight and upon visiting the WiFi portal on board, if their flight will be part of the test."

The airline currently offers WiFi for purchase and free mobile messaging, which will still be available throughout the testing period. Delta says there will likely need to be several more phases before any roll-out happens.

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